Getting Started
Welcome to the Cypress for Angular Devs Workshop!
This workshop covers new features Cypress has in store for Angular devs.
To get started, clone the repo and install the dependencies:
Clone Repo and Install Dependencies
git clone
Go into the repo's folder and install the dependencies:
cd cypress-heroes-app
npm install
The repo folder contains two pertinent folders:
- client: The Angular front-end app
- server: NestJS back-end app that provides the API
Running npm install
from above installs the dependencies for both apps.
Start App
The client app is where we will spend the majority of our time. Open the client folder from whatever code editor you wish to use (we'll be using VS Code in this guide), and start the development server:
cd client
code .
npm start
The start
script starts up both the client and server apps.
Once done, the app will launch at http://localhost:4200.
Get to Know the App
The Cypress Heroes app is a take on the classic Angular Tour of Heroes tutorial application. The app displays a list of heroes for hire. You can view the hero's contract price, the number of fans (likes) the hero has, and the number of saves (completed jobs). Heroes can be created, edited, and deleted.
The app features a few different pages and several components that provide a good starting point to learn testing with Cypress.
Some features of the app include:
- Multi-page with serval components
- Authentication
- API calls to a real back-end
- Forms
Attempting to click the like or hire icons will result in being prompted to log into the app. There are two baked-in logins, a normal user and an admin user with elevated permissions. Here are the credentials for the logins:
- Normal User: username:, password: test123
- Admin User: username:, password: test123
Logging in as a normal user will allow you to like and hire the hero. Notice that when doing so, the number of fans and saves increases (respectively).
You gain access to add, edit, and delete heroes as an admin user.